Laser Vein Removal in Baton Rouge, LA
What is a Long-Pulsed YAG (LPY)?
The 2940 nm long-pulsed YAG Laser allows the practitioner to treat visible vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, and vascular lesions precisely by using laser energy. The treatment is tailored to match one’s skin condition and desired result. All skin areas can be treated with the LPY laser.
What is Unique About LPY / What Does it Do?
The Spectrum’s long-pulsed YAG laser will diminish the appearance of existing veins on the face and legs. Once the laser light is applied to the skin, it enters the vein, where the energy from the laser is absorbed, and the vein walls collapse and seal shut, eliminating the vein’s appearance on the skin. Eliminating veins with the long-pulsed YAG laser is quick and effective.

How Does It Work?
The laser gives energy to the skin, which is absorbed by blood vessels, scars, port wine stains, hemangiomas, and other vascular lesions. This relatively quick, comfortable procedure can eliminate blood vessels by precise tissue heating, i.e., energy is directed against the vessels alone and does not alter the surrounding skin. Usually, the vessels collapse during the treatment session, but there can be some post-treatment redness and swelling. Following treatment sessions with aggressive sun protection practices can produce longer-lasting results and prevent the formation of similar lesions.
What Are Some Indications for LPY?
Treatment of vascular lesions such as telangiectasias, spider veins, hemangiomas, and leg veins.
What to Expect?
Discomfort is minimal and is usually compared to the “snap of a rubber band.” Multiple treatments may be required to achieve your desired result.
Discontinue any medications/supplements that may thin your blood unless prescribed by a doctor. You may wish to bring a pair of shorts to wear during your treatment if having your legs treated.